
AttheendofChapter3,youreachthemoonandfightthedreadedTeacherBunBun.WhileheisthestrongestenemyintheEmpireofCats,hedoeshaveafew ...,TheRedvariantofTeacherBunBun.Hehas400,000HPandanattackpowerof9,287,makinghimjustbarelystrongerthanthe400%TeacherBunBunintheMoon/ ...,TeacherBunBunisbyfarthetoughestopponentfacedinEmpireofCats,withmuchhigherhealthandpushingpowerthananypreviouslyencounteredenemy.Teache...

The Bun Buns - The Battle Cats!

At the end of Chapter 3, you reach the moon and fight the dreaded Teacher Bun Bun. While he is the strongest enemy in the Empire of Cats, he does have a few ...

J.K Bun Bun | Battle Cats Wiki

The Red variant of Teacher Bun Bun. He has 400,000 HP and an attack power of 9,287, making him just barely stronger than the 400% Teacher Bun Bun in the Moon/ ...

Teacher Bun Bun - Battle Cats Wiki

Teacher Bun Bun is by far the toughest opponent faced in Empire of Cats, with much higher health and pushing power than any previously encountered enemy. Teacher Bun Bun/Gallery · Moon (Empire of Cats) · Floating Enemies

Teacher Bun Bun - The Battle Cats Wiki

Teacher Bun Bun is a Floating enemy first seen as the boss of the Moon/Iriomote stage in Empire of Cats Chapter 3.

J.K Bun Bun

The Red variant of Teacher Bun Bun. He has 400,000 HP and an attack power of 9,287, making him just barely stronger than the 400% Teacher Bun Bun in the Moon/ ...

J.K Bun Bun | Battle Cats Wiki for Cat Stats

Compare all cats from The Battle Cats with My Gamatoto. From ubers to crazed and more, check out all their stats including range, damage, and abilities.

Everyone pls tell me how much is this Teacher bun bun buffed in this ...

Everyone pls tell me how much is this Teacher bun bun buffed in this SOL stage pls i need to know bc i keep losing!

Is jk bun bun the easiest of them? : rbattlecats

I think the teacher is harder than the red one by a long shot, since he gets buffed when the other ones don't.

RED TEACHER BUN BUN - Battle Cats #9

RED TEACHER BUN BUN - Battle Cats #9. 1 view · 15 minutes ago ...more. Dragon Fruit Staycation (not anymore). 484. Subscribe.

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